Member Profile

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Dr. A.K.M Nurul Kabir
Department of Pathology
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1) Sadia A, Kabir A N, Dey B P, Rahman M M, Rahman P, Karim R, Shiraj-Um-Mahmuda S, Emita UTN, Jahan S. , Degree of fibrosis and its association with angiogenesis in the myelofibrotic bone marrow. , Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Journal , 2023, 16, 26-33
2) Himi SR, Dewan ZF, Kabir AKMN, Islam MM, Yusuf MA, Afreen KN Akter M, Effect of Silymarin on Gentamycin-induced Nephrotoxicity in rats, Bangladesh Journal of Infectious Diseases , 2023, 10, 71-76
3) Karim R, Kabir AN, Rahman P, Hassan MI, Nowsher MN, Sultana S, Siddika F, Rahman MM, Association between Immunohistochemical Expression of p53 Protein and Histopathological Prognostic Factors in Gastric Carcinoma, Journal of Histopathology and Cytopathology, 2021, 5, 96-105
4) Bashar AKM, Kabir AKMN, Rizdina RA, Shikder AHMZH, GhosH R, Rahman MM, . Immediate Response of Human Dental Pulp Capped with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, Portland Cement And Biodentin, Bangladesh Med. Res Counc Bull, 2019, 45, 108-116
5) Hafiz MG, Jamal CY, Karim MA, Islam A, Hossain MI, Kabir AKMN, Siddiqui MTH., A 2-year-old male child with diffuse abdominal pain, mass in the abdomen and red current jelly stool. , Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Med Univ J. , 2019, 12, 60-68
6) Kabir AN, Kamal M, Das RK, . Paraneoplastic Mixed Bullous Disease of Skin: Report of a Rare Blistering Condition with IgA Deposition. , . Journal of Histopathology and Cytopathology, , 2018, Jul; 2 (2)., 157-161]
7) Das RK, Kabir AN, Begum F, Khanam , Kamal M. , Significance of Glomerular PAS Positive Matrix Deposition in Glomerulonephritis. , Journal of Histopathology and Cytopathology, 2018, 2 (1). , 3-10
8) Himi SR, Dewan ZF, Kabir AKMN. , Effect of ethanol extract of Trigonella foenum on gentamycin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Med Univ J, 2018, 11, 107-111
9) . Nessa M S, Kabir AN, Barua AR, Paul H K, Role of direct immunofluorescence on outer root sheath of hair follicle in monitoring disease activity of pemphigus vulgaris, Journal of Pathology of Nepal , 2017, Vol. 7,, 1162-1167
10) Ahmed T, Hossain F, Sohel MEA, Amin MA, Alam AKMK, Kabir AKMN, . Male with Rhinosporidiosis of Urethra: A Case Report. , BSMMU J, 2015, 8(2), 128-130.
11) Hannan MA, Hasan MS, Begum A, Kabir AKMN. , An Uncommon Presentation of Myasthenia Gravis with Thymoma –A Case Report and Review of Literature, Journal of Medicine, 2012, 13(1),, 109-114
12) Kabir AKMN, Kamal M, Choudhury AM, Clinicopathological correlation of blistering diseases of skin., Bangladesh Med Res Council Bull, 2008, 34 (2), 48-53
13) Habib S, Rahman AJEN. Choudhury T , Kabir AKMN., Clinical features and cytogenetic pattern of Down syndrome. , Bangladesh Med. Res Counc Bull , 2007, 33 (3), 108-110